About APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔Bubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0 (2.1.0) Android Apk This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.
Please make sure your phone has “APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔Bubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0 (2.1.0) Android Apk apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box. You have two options, either put the Download APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔Bubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0 (2.1.0) Android Apk apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone. Sorry We Dont Have APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔Bubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0 (2.1.0) Android Apk Cheat Android.Another thing is to simply install a file manager app like Astro File Manager, browse the APK and install it. Remember This applications Only For Smartphone APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔Bubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0 (2.1.0) Android Apk AndroidBubble Live Wallpaper v2.1.0
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Efreeandroidappz.blogspot.com: Android 2.1 or higher
Overview: A fun bubble live wallpaper where you can tap bubbles to burst.
Now you can customize bubble image from your gallery, choose your lucky color theme and poke your friends to improve affection
You can also change different themes, bubble colors and number of bubbles floating.
- Custom bubble image
- 7 background themes
- 7 bubble colors
- Bubble droid
- Ability to change number of bubbles floating
- Smooth the edge of bubble
- Reverse bubble acceleration
- Rotating right/left to accelerate bubbles
- Bubble counter
- Use 3D hardware to render images, save battery
- Support most resolutions including Android 3.0 tablet
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