APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App

About APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.

Please make sure your phone has “APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box.

You have two options, either put the Download APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.

Sorry We Dont Have APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App Cheat Android.Another thing is to simply install a file manager app like Astro File Manager, browse the APK and install it. Remember This applications Only For Smartphone APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App Android

SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4

Did you know that your mobile can speak UK English?

Have Victoria read aloud texts from your e-book, navigation, translation and other apps in a UK English female, high quality and natural-sounding voice powered by SVOX.

When combined with TTS-enabled apps, Victoria can:

give directions, allowing you to keep your eyes on the road while you’re driving

read a notification containing the caller / sender’s name, and read the content of an incoming call / sms / mms / email

read aloud your favorite e-books or pdf documents

help you learn English by reading aloud the correct pronunciation

NEW! Pronunciation correction feature: correct the default output according to your preferences!


Install and run the voice app once

Install free SVOX Classic Text-to-Speech Engine

Go to Android Settings -> Voice Input & Output -> Text-to-Speech settings.

Activate SvoxClassic at the bottom of the screen.

Select SvoxClassic as the Default Engine.

Run the voice app, click “Continue”, then follow the instructions.

Your SVOX Voice main screen will be now visible. Don’t forget to try the new pronunciations correction feature (‘pencil’ icon)!

Download other free / paid apps to combine our voice with. For example, you could try: Google Navigation (on Android 2.2 and later, only with Navigation < 5.9), Moon+ Reader PRO, Voice Actions Plus, TalkToMe Classic, Book Speech Audio Books, Transzilla, Good Morning, WakeVoice, Pocket Blonde.


Run the voice app

Click on the ‘pencil’ icon. The pronunciation correction screen will now be shown.

Tap on the Android menu key and select ‘Help’


Google Navigation requires that the Text-to-Speech voice matches the phone language. You can change the phone language in Android Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Select language

Compatible with Google Navigation version < 5.9

On Android 2.1 and earlier, only some apps, like Google Translation, support changing voices.

What’s in this version : (Updated : Sep 11, 2012)

Resolved issue with the status bar notification that was always telling users to reinstall the application.

Required Android O/S : 2.1+





Download APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App VIA Hotfile

Download APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App VIA Mediafire

Download APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App VIA Rapidshare

The current version of APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App Apk needs to run on Android 1.6 or later, in order to make better use of the CPU capacity, we have optimized and built three different Android GamesAPK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App, for higher, medium and lower mobile phones. You can choose to download from your mobile browser, click the button to complete the installation, and you can also download the APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App .Apk file from PC and use the installation tool to install the APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App Apk. Enjoy Guys and Lets Begin APK ↔ Android Market ↔ Mediafire ↔ Hotfile ↔SVOX UK English Victoria Voice v3.1.4 (3.1.4) Android Apk App Android Games

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